Sunday, March 7, 2010

Twall, Holes, and Cooking

Just dropping by to say hello...

It's been a pretty quiet weekend. I had Nelda, a friend of Ann's, come over and help me set up my sewing machine yesterday and get me started. I am so excited! We started a pair of pajama pants and totally screwed them up, ha ha, so I spent much of my afternoon ripping my messed up seams. I did, however, manage to pull this little beauty off:

It's a cover so the pillow slips in the back and it can come off to be washed :) I wanted to make two but I messed up try #1, so there wasn't enought fabric for a second, oh well!! I just have to say, I really love Twall. I have a funny story as to how I remember that Twall is called Twall but it is completely inappropriate for this blog ha ha ask me in person some time...

Friday was the Variety Show, and the kids did a good job, it was cute. Here's my brother, Jake's act. (He's in the green) He and his friends Guy and Joe did the song "Diggin' Holes" from the movie "Holes". Goofballs:

And on a completely random note, I got my Pioneer Woman Cookbook in the mail!!! AAAhhhh!! I am so excited!! If you don't know about the Pioneer Woman you need to go check her out. She's funny, and always fun to read, and she has the best recipes! None of this cooking light BS, she cooks good, down home, comfort food! She's the bees knees :)

That's all for now. Have a wonderful Sunday, and enjoy this weather if you are here in Maine, we don't see days like this too often!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your sweet comment! Love your blog, super cute! I have heard about the pioneer woman but I am waiting until I have my own stainless steel kitchen with an island before I really get into cooking! At least I have something to look forward to ;) xoe
