Friday, July 1, 2011

Thanks of the Week: Facebook and Fireworks

I have been totally slacking on my Thanks of the Week post.  No sense of commitment. Bad Danielle, bad!  It's been a bumpy couple weeks, but things are finally starting to sort out for me, so without further ado, my thanks:
1. Social Media: I know that seems like a weird thing to say you're thankful for, but with all this stress of needing more employment, social media has been a great way to reach out to friends and family for help.  Because of my social media pleas I was able to obtain a part time position working in sales for our local magazine: Lewiston Auburn Magazine.  I am so excited the people behind this project are just a hoot to work with, and so inspiring and motivating.  I love the project and the spirit of community behind it, I'm very excited to be involved. 

2. Yoga, and my yoga instructor, Alice.  I swear she should be my therapist.  She always lets me rant and complain and whine and cry and get all my frustrations out.  Then she very calmly reminds me everything is going to be ok, gives me a nice little nugget of advice or wisdom and then we're onto to yoga.  Besides a nice little workout, setting just one hour a week aside to just spend time with myself and center has been really nice.  My last class was last Monday, and will probably be my last class until the wedding is over and my finances are in order, but I need to try and force myself to make that time for myself at home.

3. My Wedding! OMG, can it just be here already!?!  I'm so excited for our wedding to get here.  We still have so much planning to do, and I'm so over it.  I think I must seem cynical and un-girly to my friends and family.  But seriously - I just don't care about all the little details anymore.  I want to have a fun day.  I don't want to stress over it, because the centerpieces aren't what matters.  Becoming Mrs. Eaton is what matters.  The starting of the rest of our lives together is what matters.  I'm ready to move onto the next things in life.

4. The 4th of July Weekend: Praise God for the 4th of July Weekend!  Camp on the Lake. Lobster. Relaxing. Family.  Long Weekend.  I. Love. It.

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